"After these things, I looked and behold, a great multitude which no one could count from every nation, and all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes and palm branches were in their hands, and they cry out with a loud voice saying, "Salvation to our God who sits on the throne and to the Lamb!" (Rev. 7:9)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Day One

Here's our happy team, safe and sound in Russia! Thank you for your prayers for our travels and connections!

A few quick prayer requests before we crash from our 20+ hours of traveling:

- We are missing our GMP representative, Camp Kirkland, due to a visa complication. He is currently in Amsterdam. Please pray that he will be able to join us soon.

- Three of our team members, who flew out of Atlanta, are missing their luggage including instruments and reeds. We were told they will arrive tomorrow, but not in time for the concert. Please pray that their stuff will come soon and in good condition.

- Please pray for the concert Saturday, which will be at 5:00 Russia time (8:00 a.m. Dallas time.) This will be the first time we have all played together. We hope all 450 seats will be filled with seekers, as the gospel will be clearly presented.

Thank you for your prayers!

Trivia for the Day: Guess what time we took this twilight photo?

11:oo PM! This is one of St. Petersburg's "White Nights" which happen from mid June to July. We are told it will stay twilight until sunrise at 3:00 AM. :-)


  1. So thankful you are there! Thanks for the update and pics...good to see all your smiling faces (even with the lack of sleep). Will look forward to all your updates. Praying for you all. Know you will be an encouragement to all you meet!

  2. So glad to see that our oldest daughter made it safely to Russia with all her luggage and instrument and reeds. Now -- Give God the Glory in everything you do and allow HIM to use you!

    (Get her home safely!)

    Love and Prayers
    Byerts' Family

  3. So happy to hear you all arrived safely. I didn't know you were to travel with Camp Kirkland; what an honor! I will be praying for his visa to be worked out soon, too.

    I am certain your testimonies and music will be a tremendous blessing. We are praying for the souls to turn toward Him!

    ~ Lea Ann Garfias
